谷孚商务信息咨询(上海)有限公司 GFI Consultancy (Shanghai) Co., Ltd © 2020
上海市浦东新区东方路 738 号裕安大厦 3 楼 R023 | R023, 3rd Floor, Yu'an Building, No. 738 Dongfang Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai, China
谷孚 GFIC 是一个专注于新蛋白产业发展与合作的机构,通过产品研发、战略咨询、数据分析等技术和资源,帮助学术机构、科研人员、企业和投资方提供解决方案。
GFI Consultancy (GFIC) focuses on accelerating the alternative protein industry development in China. GFIC collaborates with academic institutions and scientists, corporations, startups, and investors to support plant-based, fermentation-derived, and cellular agriculture food innovation.